Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday page:

So I assigned a FRIDAY page as a means of my students identifying their own growth. On the last day of class for the week they are to take a photo of their work in progress, upload it to their digital portfolio, and briefly comment on the process (questions, issues, resolutions). I was greeted with that "not MORE busywork" face and a bunch of grumbling. I know why I assigned it, and I can't wait to see that BINGO look on their faces.
I was working on my own portfolio last night, filling out some of the blank building lots and I noticed that some of my students had already done the assignment. I was thrilled with what I had read. There were some real insights into process.
So what's up for my own FRIDAY page? I have some studio work to visit in a bit, I know its Saturday, then I will post something about my own process. Ever since the news about the Korean exhibition came in I am longing to be in my studio.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Letter to My Students,

As I sit here this weekend reflecting on the past week, the stress level high, the work non-existent in many cases, and my thoughts wondering to "how I am failing you as your teacher" more than once, I wonder how I got to this place? I know in my heart that part of it is me, I want to give you every opportunity to finish your exploration. I trust in you, maybe too much. I keep telling you about how important deadlines are, yet I keep moving them back so that you can squeeze every ounce of creativity out of your heart and head. You are getting mixed signals from me, and for that I apologize.

However, if you notice, I said that PART of this is me, the other HALF is you, while I give you a few inches, you have learned who I am well and have taken a very long mile. You have understood that I may not ask for things the day I say they are due, or that the kiln may not be loaded and fired the day I say it will be, and have decided that these things play into your procrastination plans well. To this I say, you need to rethink the relationship you are forging. You may only have me for a semester but there may also come a time that you need to call on our relationship for your future. I would like to oblige by writing in a glowing manner about the quality of your tenure as a student in my class.

Understand that I assign you things for the sake of you learning the media that YOU have asked to learn. I want you to be excited, to understand that things don't always seem useful or logical, but often things that you learn in life have a way of resurfacing when you need them most. There is this thing about coming full circle that happens, OFTEN.

I do not assign things for the sake of assigning work. Each item is part of the process of learning the material, each item is practice for the BIG dance, and most importantly, each assignment, while graded objectively, is not assigned for the sake of a number. What its worth to you is much more than a grade, you'll see, eventually.

I write this before I sit down to finish up my grades as a means of clearing the air. Please feel free to e-mail me, leave a message on the class page on Facebook, or a message on my wall if you have any questions. You can even comment on this note. If I see it, I will answer as fast as I can, with some thought of course.

A special note to my Seniors, I know that its that time of year when you have decided that you are so done with school. I hope that you know that as hard as it is to focus on things right now it is still very important not to give up the game before the final buzzer sounds. You have 10 weeks left, one more quarter, don't fumble things now.

Have a great weekend, see you Monday!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Bike Tire on the last day of Spring Break

I had this inspiration the other day after cruising the mall, waiting for my computer to be fixed. I found a necklace made out of black rubber with a sign claiming that it was recycled bike tires. WOW I have hundreds of tubes that I couldn't seem to part with. Suddenly they had a new life (OK, maybe not hundreds but definitely a handful).

Now I have reason to get out on my bike and hit some glass! I have plenty of inspiration riding on them rims!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cup of MUD- seeking donations of Ceramic Wares

We will be hosting a cup raffle in conjunction with the MUD Exhibition (May 15-22 @ New Canaan HS). This is an annual exhibition of regional HS Ceramics.
The cup raffle will benefit the Lambi Fund of Haiti, an organization that is dedicated to promoting self sufficiency in communities throughout Haiti by emphasizing self-sufficiency. The cup raffle will have an equal ticket/ware ratio so every ticket holder will go home with a piece of handmade ceramic ware. The ticket price is $10.00. Checks should be made out directly to the Lambi Fund.
To donate a ceramic piece or purchase a ticket please post a note.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Last week I spent a wonderful part of a busy week in Philadelphia attending the NCECA conference. I had the added pleasure of being part of a panel discussion on Friday morning. We were addressing the gap that exists between HS and College. Val Cushing was the moderator, Errol Willet, Maureen MIlls, Steven Branfman and myself were the panel. Two HS teachers, and two college professors and a ROOM full of people. My friend and mentor Jessica Dubin introduced us.
The thing about NCECA is this, you spend four days with as many ceramics artists as you can fit into a small city. You eat, drink and be merry. You look at work. You listen to lectures, panels, participate in talks all geared to advancing your education in MUD and then you look at more work. You eat. You meet new people. You dance. You smooze. You look, listen, touch, savor, think... with no studio time or space to create while there. You look at more work. Your head spins, you hit CERAMIC OVERLOAD, then you go for Chinese food. You dance some more. You see lots and lots of sexy pots, and sexy drawings, and even sexy potters and you long for your studio so that you can be making sexy pots of your own. You laugh, you walk until your feet want to fall off and you generally have such a good time you don't want it to end! You savor it by driving your friend home to New Jersey and discovering that there is a new place to add to your list of where you want to live. This was my NCECA!
I have been in the studio for many hours since Saturday. I can't wait for Tampa!
I have uploaded images of some of the pieces that I found interesting. Notable pieces are the work of Miaja Groetell, Nancy Selvin, Chris Gustin, Jennifer Martin and Val Cushing